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Successful test of BRITE ground station at NCAC

On Wednesday night,  Feb. 27th, 2013, BRITE ground radio station at NCAC started recieving signal from the Austrian BRITE-AT/TUG satellite launched earlier on Monday (Feb. 25th). For this purpose, since last summer we have installed antennas on the roof of the Copernicus Center. Everything works OK, which means we have finished the hardware part of the construction of our station. What remains to be done is finishing the software for automatic operation and for decoding of the incoming data into science stream. At this point I would like to thank two Grzegorz's: Wozniak and Marciniszyn and Ela Zocłońska for their contribution. Also, our thanks go to Marcin Stolarski of SRC, who with a  telecom in hand made sure we perform approprietly. Below I include NORAD TLE elements of BRITE orbits for thouse who know how to use them. Note  the other BRITE, UNI-BRITE at the moment is unresolved close to the former one, yet transmits only over Toronto.

(Report by Aleksander Schwarzenberg-Czerny, head of the BRITE project at NCAC.)


likely … 39090U <-> BRITE-AT & 39089U <-> UniBRITE


 1 39089U 13009D   13056.98241256 -.00000045  00000-0  00000+0 0    39

 2 39089 098.6333 247.3013 0009284 273.3670 086.7013 14.33850404    56

 1 39089U 13009D   13057.08317034 -.00000045  00000-0  00000+0 0    40

 2 39089 098.6333 247.4018 0009284 273.0697 246.7969 14.33849053    65

 1 39089U 13009D   13057.12196648 -.00000045  00000-0  00000+0 0    52

 2 39089 098.6302 247.4430 0009913 269.8258 090.1934 14.33842702    72

 1 39089U 13009D   13057.40102800 -.00000045  00000-0  00000+0 0    61

 2 39089 098.6276 247.7191 0009980 264.4078 095.2930 14.33867515   109

 1 39089U 13009D   13057.68021389 -.00000045  00000-0  00000+0 0    74

 2 39089 098.6250 247.9956 0009617 266.0889 093.9148 14.33856008   153

 1 39090U 13009E   13056.98227552 -.00000045  00000-0  00000+0 0    34

 2 39090 098.6279 247.3124 0007775 294.5792 065.4293 14.34142396    52

 1 39090U 13009E   13057.08044086 -.00000045  00000-0  00000+0 0    46

 2 39090 098.6314 247.4108 0008151 272.0283 234.5654 14.34254791    64

 1 39090U 13009E   13057.12180062 -.00000045  00000-0  00000+0 0    57

 2 39090 098.6314 247.4520 0008151 271.9062 088.1247 14.34269067    79

 1 39090U 13009E   13057.40080244 -.00000045  00000-0  00000+0 0    60

 2 39090 098.6295 247.6999 0007477 289.5147 070.2616 14.34254395   102

 1 39090U 13009E   13057.67990329 -.00000045  00000-0  00000+0 0    74

 2 39090 098.6303 248.0040 0008453 281.6061 078.4281 14.34251341   158

