Archives January 2016


Creation date: 28.01.2016,   Archive date: 28.01.2016

Przetarg na zakup sprzętu komputerowego

Centrum Astronomiczne im. M. Kopernika PAN ogłasza przetarg nieograniczony na zakup sprzętu komputerowego.
Oferty należy składać … more Przetarg na zakup sprzętu komputerowego»

Creation date: 22.01.2016,   Archive date: 22.01.2016

Recruitment for PhD studies

Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center invites applications for PhD studies in astronomy and astrophysics leading to a … more Recruitment for PhD studies»

Creation date: 18.01.2016,   Archive date: 18.01.2016

The mass of the black hole in RE J1034+396

RE J1034+396 (z = 0.0433), as a Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxy (NLS1), is the first … more The mass of the black hole in RE J1034+396»

Creation date: 17.01.2016,   Archive date: 17.01.2016

Tenure-track position open

Applications are invited for a tenure-track research position at the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center (NCAC), the … more Tenure-track position open»

Creation date: 14.01.2016,   Archive date: 14.01.2016

NCAC conference for young astronomers

Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center invites university students of astronomy, physics and related disciplines to attend a … more NCAC conference for young astronomers»

