
Wednesday Colloquium

 future talks and archive

The Colloquium takes place every Wednesday at 11:15 AM - Warsaw Copernicus Astronomical Centre online by means of Zoom platform. The Colloquium is given in English and chaired by dr Stanisław Bajtlik ( from outside of the Copernicus Center are very welcome to participate. For technical detailes please contact Dr. Stanislaw Bajtlik.


"What was the last Nobel Prize in Physics given for?"

Arkadiusz Orłowski (Department of Artificial Intelligence, Institute of Information Technology, SGGW, Warsaw)


Special seminars


Journal Club

 future talks and archive

Journal Club takes place on Mondays at 11:00 AM in the Seminar Room. The seminar is given in English and is chaired by Angelos  Karakonstantakis, Gergely Hajdu, and Fatemeh Kayanikhoo.


The Bohdan Paczyński Memorial Colloquium



GeoPlanet Seminars
