Self-government of Doctoral Students of Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Our Council is dedicated to supporting doctoral students throughout their academic journey. We strive to foster an inclusive, vibrant community where students can connect, collaborate, and advocate for their needs.
Contact us at: samorzad@camk.edu.pl
Members, 2024-2025:
- MSc Biswaraj Palit - Chair of PhD Self-government
Contact: Email: bpalit@camk.edu.pl
- MSc Parikshit Partha Biswas - Deputy
Contact: Email: pbiswas@camk.edu.pl
- MSc Ganesh Nitin Pawar - Deputy
Contact: Email: gpawar@ncac.torun.pl
Our Goals:
a) Defending the rights and representing the interests of doctoral students
b) Presenting the opinions of the doctoral student community to the Institutes' authorities
c) Presenting its own proposals to the authorities of the Institute
d) Supporting and implementing the scientific, cultural, sports, and tourist initiatives of the