The Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center in Warsaw, Poland invites applications for a postdoctoral position in asteroseismology.
The opening is for an initial period of 17 months with a possible extension of up to three years. The successful candidate will work with Prof. Gerald Handler on asteroseismology of massive stars, based on data with the TESS space mission, supplemented by ground-based measurements.
The position will be funded from the Polish National Science Centre MAESTRO project entitled "The causes of hot-star variability"(No:2015/18/A/ST9/00578).
The successful candidate will participate in the analysis of the observational data, in the planning and execution of follow-up observations of selected stars and/or the theoretical interpretation of the stellar pulsation spectra.
The prime requirement for employment is the posession of a valid PhD degree in astronomy at the starting date, but obtained no earlier than in 2014. Previous work with a focus on asteroseismic or related research is expected. Experience with asteroseismology of massive stars and/or analysis of binary stars based on photometric and spectroscopic data, is an advantage, and candidates with an observational or theoretical background, or both, will be considered.
Candidates should submit a copy of their PhD diploma or a binding statement of its date of completion, their CV, list of publications and a statement of research plans as pdf files to
Two letters of recommendation should be arranged to be sent directly by their authors to the same email address, and a scan of a signed DGPD form (available from )
must also be submitted.
Review of applications shall commence on 30 September 2020 and last until the position is filled.
The starting date of the employment is envisaged to be 02 November 2020.
The salary of the successful candidate will be comparable to that of Polish researchers in the same career stage. Funding for travel and research equipment is available.
Additional benefits such as housing for an initial time period can be provided by the institute.
Informal enquiries about the offered position can also be addressed to