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Seminarium odbywa się w środy o 11:15 w warszawskim oddziale Centrum Astronomicznego lub w wersji online na platformie Zoom. Językiem wykładowym jest angielski; seminarium prowadzi dr Stanisław Bajtlik ( Zapraszamy również osoby spoza Centrum Astronomicznego. W sprawie szczegółów technicznych prosimy kontaktować się e-mailowo z dr. Stanisławem Bajtlikiem. 


"On the hot flows in AWDs: broadband noise, spectral characteristics and disk structure"

Solen Balman (Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences, Istanbul University)

Cataclysmic Variables (CVs) and related systems (e.g., AM CVn, Symbiotics) are compact systems with white dwarf (WD) primaries referred as accreting white dwarfs (AWDs). They are excellent laboratories to study astrophysical plasmas, accretion flows and disks, gas dynamics, outflows, and transient outbursts. Broadband noise and its variations in accretion flows have been a diagnostic tool for understanding the structure of accretion disks together with accretion history and state changes. CVs demonstrate band limited noise (mainly 1-6 mHz) in the optical, UV and X-ray energy bands, which can be adequately explained in the framework of the model of propagating fluctuations yielding break frequencies. I will discuss broadband noise structure in CVs with a broader sense including some different nonmagnetic AWDs elaborating on similarities along with spectral characteristics. The spectral and/or broadband noise studies show that advective hot flow structure (ADAF-like) resides inside nonmagnetic CV disks mainly detected in the X-ray regime (Balman 2020, Balman et al. 2022 and references therein) indicating other characteristics like outflows in the X-rays and warm absorber effects.


Seminaria specjalne


Journal Club odbywa się w poniedziałki o 11:00 w Sali Seminaryjnej warszawskiego Centrum Astronomicznego. Językiem wykładowym jest angielski; spotkania prowadzą Angelos  Karakonstantakis, Gergely Hajdu i Fatemeh Kayanikhoo.


Seminarium im. B. Paczyńskiego



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