Centrum Astronomiczne im. Mikołaja Kopernika PAN oferuje możliwość realizacji w okresie wakacyjnym (lipiec-wrzesień) małych projektów badawczych prowadzonych pod opieką naszych pracowników w Warszawie lub Toruniu. Program jest przeznaczony dla obywateli Unii Europejskiej.
Propozycja jest adresowana do studentów astronomii lub fizyki kończących II, III lub IV rok studiów. Czas realizacji projektów wynosi 4-6 tygodni, typowo 4 tygodnie. Osoby zamieszkałe poza miejscem realizacji projektu mogą ubiegać się o bezpłatne zakwaterowanie w akademikach.
Studenci realizujący projekty badawcze w ramach programu wakacyjnego nie otrzymują wynagrodzenia z Centrum Astronomicznego. Praktykanci mogą, w zależności od możliwości opiekuna, otrzymać honorarium z jego grantu.
Osoby zainteresowane udziałem w programie proszone są o skontaktowanie się w pierwszej kolejności z potencjalnym opiekunem. Po uzgodnieniu z opiekunem terminu realizacji projektu należy przesłać zgłoszenie zawierające co najmniej następujące informacje: nazwisko opiekuna; termin realizacji projektu; wyciąg z indeksu; ew. zapotrzebowanie na zakwaterowanie; adres e-mailowy. Mile widziane są dodatkowe informacje dotyczące ew. dotychczasowej aktywności naukowej kandydatów (udział w obserwacjach, konferencjach lub warsztatach, publikacje). Zgłoszenia należy nadsyłać w postaci dokumentów w formacie PDF na adres praktyki@camk.edu.pl. Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 6 maja 2018. Procedura kwalifikacyjna zostanie zakończona do 31 maja 2018, a o jej wynikach zainteresowani zostaną powiadomieni pocztą elektroniczną.
Propozycje tematów:
1. Astronomical instrumentation in application to space sector
The “Solaris” network of robotic telescopes offers considerable opportunities for development and deployment of small astronomical instruments. Additionally, this is supported by a recent opening of a laboratory at CAMK Toruń fully equipped to carry out small instrumentation projects. Telescopes of our network are capable of observing satellites and space debris on all orbits (LEO-GEO). The project may encompass contributions to (1) development of instruments enhancing the capabilities of our telescopes to observe and characterize resident space objects (RSO, this involves lab work), (2) undertaking observing campaigns to detect, monitor and catalogue RSOs (this includes writing pieces of software, data reduction).
The details of the possible tasks is available here.
Supervisor: Prof. Maciej Konacki (maciej@ncac.torun.pl), CAMK Toruń
Time: June-mid September (4-6 weeks) TBD
2. Mock Observations of Eclipsing Binaries in Simulated Star Clusters
Variable stars have been extremely useful in understanding stellar formation and evolution. Observations of eclipsing binaries in dense stellar systems like globular clusters provide direct distance estimates and can also help to constrain the turn-off masses in these systems. In this project, the student will work on simulating mock observations of results of numerical star cluster simulations using the COCOA code. The main task of the project will be to further develop the COCOA code by accurately computing changes in magnitude for binary stars that will eclipse each other during periodic observations.
COCOA creates synthetic observational data from the projected snapshot of a star cluster simulation, it can also be used to create a sequence of projected snapshots in which positions of stars in binaries can be tracked. When these positions of stars in some these binaries will overlap during the eclipses, the total magnitude of the binary will decrease which will be detectable through photometry of the mock observations. By doing this, it will be possible to compare the population of eclipsing binaries in simulated star cluster models with real observations. Programming experience particularly in Python along with knowledge of reducing photometric observations will be particularly helpful for the implementation of this task.
Supervisor: Dr Mirosław Giersz (mig@camk.edu.pl), CAMK Warsaw
Time: July-September (4-6 weeks) TBD
3. Kinetic simulations of magnetic reconnection
The goal of this project is introduction to kinetic numerical simulations of the process of magnetic reconnection using the particle-in-cell (PIC) method. Reconnection is a process of dissipation of magnetic energy with broad applications to high-energy astrophysics. The starting point would be analysis of simulation results including the description of particle acceleration and production of radiation during reconnection. The project may be expanded to include preparation and execution of PIC simulations by the student.
Supervisor: Dr Krzysztof Nalewajko (knalew@camk.edu.pl), CAMK Warsaw
Time: mid-July - mid-September (4-6 weeks) TBD
4. Constraints on the molecular abundances in envelopes of evolved stars with Herschel/HIFI archival observations
The envelopes of evolved stars are sites of rich chemistry. To understand chemical processes one needs at first to understand observations by analyzing distribution and abundance of molecules in the envelope. One of difficulties of these analyses is sensitivity of the molecular emission to the mechanism of excitation, e.g. some molecules, like ammonia or water, are excited by the infrared radiation formed mainly in the circumstellar dusty envelope, and for this reason are sensitive to the variability of the central source.
The goal of the project is to study excitation mechanism and variability of selected molecules and to compare computations with the archival data of the Herschel mission, particularly with observations made with
the heterodyne HiFi instrument, providing data of high resolution.The student will be provided with the introduction to non-lte processes governing excitations of molecular levels and the basic knowledge how to run and use codes for spherical transfer in outflowng gas used in our group.
Supervisor: Dr Mirosław Schmidt (schmidt@ncac.torun.pl), CAMK Toruń
Time: mid-July - mid-September (4 weeks) TBD
5. Full 3D numerical simulations of thin accretion disk
Building on our successful numerical simulations of the thin accretion disk with the PLUTO code in 2D axi-symmetric setup, we move to the full 3D setup. The initial conditions are set by the analytical solution for the disk in full 3D hydro-dynamical case, given by Kluźniak and Kita (2000). We will first simulate the purely hydro-dynamical solution in 3D, focusing on the solutions with the viscous alpha parameter alpha<0.685. We will check the conditions in the disk with the backflow, and the stability of the solution. Then we proceed to set-up the stellar dipole magnetic field, and perform the test runs in the full 3D. We aim to find conditions for launching of the outflows from the star-disk magnetosphere in our simulations.
Student will work with the template of the 3D setup, to obtain the working simulation and present the results. Familiarity with Linux environment and basic programming skills in C and Python would be a plus.
Supervisor: Dr Miljenko Cemeljic (with Prof. W.Kluźniak) (miki@camk.edu.pl), CAMK Warszawa
Time: mid-July - August (4-6 weeks) TBD
6. Neutron stars: astrophysical laboratories for nuclear physics
Neutron stars are formed in supernovae during the collapse that marks the end of the life of stars with a mass of about 10 solar masses. Although they have been observed in all wavelengths for 40 years, and gravitational waves were recently detected from a binary neutron star system, their structure and the properties of the matter inside them are still poorly known. The project will explore how to constrain the properties of neutron star matter using multimessenger observations, combined with laboratory experiments. It will consist in running numerical calculations of neutron star properties like the mass, radius, moment of inertia etc. that are currently measured or will be in the near future, for different models of interior and confronting the results with observations. The intern should ideally have a prior experience in Python and C or Fortran.
Supervisor: Dr. Morgane Fortin (fortin@camk.edu.pl), CAMK Warszawa
Time: July or September (4 weeks)
7. Digging in a potential asteroseismic goldmine: early B-type stars in Kepler/K2 space photometry
The Kepler mission acquired the highest-precision stellar brightness measurements available in astrophysics. Consequently, many new results on variable stars were derived. However, some stars are still relatively poorly studied due to the sheer amount of data available that astronomers need to handle. The present summer project is aimed at discovering pulsating massive stars in the K2 database of the Kepler mission. The work comprises of detrending the space photometry, followed by determining and analysing its periodic content. On the basis of these analyses we shall try to understand the cause and physics of their light variability. Data and software for this project are available, and a scientific publication may result.
Supervisor: Prof. Gerald Handler (gerald@camk.edu.pl)
Time: July/August 2018 (4-6 weeks) TBD