Updated 18 Apr 2012  
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Non-standard Approach to HESS Data Processing and Interpretation «
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Non-standard Approach to HESS Data Processing and Interpretation
The circular (23 Oct 2007)

HESS has been proved to be a very successful experiment bringing the very high energy astrophysics to the new era. Recently a group of Polish astronomers has joined the collaboration. The main objective of the workshop is to introduce the new members to the process of data reduction and analysis and to spark discussion on the problems associated with this task. We also aims to discuss the theoretical aspects of the gamma-ray emission mechanism including possible, non-standard interpretation of the data.

The Workshop will consist of two parts:
(i) software development and data analysis tools, and
(ii) theoretical models of high energy emission and its observational implications.

Sponsors: The workshop is mainly sponsored by LEA Astro-PF (Polish-French) collaboration program. The program covers the participation of the French researchers in the workshop, and we will have limited funds to support other participants. If you need financial assistance please send an email to Rafał Moderski (moderski@camk.edu.pl).

Location: The workshop will take place at the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center in Warsaw, Poland. It is located at Bartycka St. no. 18 (click for Google map). Warsaw is the capital city of Poland and has many connections to all major cities in Europe. To find more information about the city you can check Wikipedia. For tourist information click Wikitravel.

Registration: Participation in the workshop is limited to the HESS members. Unfortunately the number of participants is limited. To participate please send an e-mail to Rafał Moderski (moderski@camk.edu.pl) with your name and affiliation.

Accommodation: Participants of the workshop will be accommodated on site, in the hotel of the Copernicus Center, or nearby hotel of the Space Research Centre. The details will be send with the invitations.

Transportation: Detailed information can be found on Wikitravel in the "Get In" section.

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