- 16/07/2021 13th X-IFU Consortium Meeting
WFI Consortium Meeting was helsd on 3-7 th May 2021. Again it was online meeting and everybody get used to such kind of meetings. 100 people participated in plenar sesions.
- 15/07/2021 12th WFI Consortium Meeting
This autumn as usually WFI Consortium Meeting (9-12.11.2020).
It was online meeting due to circumstances and Polish team members participated remotely.
more » - 15/07/2021 12th X-IFU Consortium Meeting
November 2-6, 2020 our consortium meeting was also online this time. Polish team members participated actively as it was before.
more » - 12/10/2020 Astrophysicists awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics 2020 for discoveries about the black hole
This year the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to astrophysicists Roger Penrose, Reinhard Genzel i Andrea Ghez for their discoveries about the black hole.
Roger Penrose was awarded half of the prize for "the discovery that black hole formation is a robust prediction of the general theory of relativity". Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez shere the second half for "the discovery of a supermassive compact object at the centre of our galaxy".
Our X-ray satelite ATHENA will also explore black holes.
Listen talk with prof. Agata Różańska from Nicolaus Copernicous Astronomical Center PAS about this year Nobel Prize,nId,4777008
more » - 15/07/2021 11th WFI Consortium Meeting
11th WFI Consortium Meeting was held online as well. Because of difficult pandemic situation all around word we meet in fron t of our computers.
- 15/07/2021 11th X-IFU Consortium Meeting
11th X-IFU Consortium Meeting took place on 6-9 April 2020 beside pandemic. Due to worldwide conditions it was online meeting. 100 people join zoom meeting and disscused progres in X-IFU instrument development.
Our team picture was different than "usually", we used laptop cameras to made it.
- 11/02/2020 Astronarium about Athena
Watch Astronarium #93 about Athena mission!
The "Space telescope ATHENA - Astronarium #93" was emitted 6th February 2020 on TVP3. You can watch now and learn more about mission and Polish involvement in the project on Astronarium YouTube channel.
- 14/10/2019 10th WFI Consortium Meeting
The 10th Athena WFI Consortium Meeting meeting took place in Strasbourg University, on October 15th and 16th, with additional splinter meetings on the 14th, 16th and 17th.
- 16/09/2019 10th X-IFU Consortium Meeting.
September 16-19, 2019 the X-IFU team met in Toulouse for its 10th Consortium meeting. This was an intense but productive week for the project where members got to present their progress on the different parts of the instrument.
An important decision was also taken: Reduce significantly the travel footprint of the consortium.
- 29/07/2019 Successfull acoustic tests of FWA and optical filter
Filter Wheel Assembly with optical filters successfully undergone the acoustic tests. Polish team completed tests in Technical Acoustics Laboratory of AGH University of Science and Technology.
more » - 26/06/2019 X-IFU - the revolutionary instrument to unveil the secrets of the hot and energetic Universe
The X-IFU (X-ray Integral Field Unit) is a scientific instrument that will be placed at the focal point of the Athena X-ray space observatory. Poland participate in construction of X-IFU instrument.
- 14/04/2019 9th WFI Consortium Meeting
The 9th WFI Consortium Meeting was held at MPE (The Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics) in Garching (Germany) on March 26-28, 2019.
- 19/03/2019 Our plans
The next WFI Consortium Meeting (#9CM) will be held at MPE (The Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics) in Garching (Germany) on March 26-28, 2019. As is customary it will combine splinter and plenary sessions.
The next X-IFU consortium meeting will be held in Grenoble from April 15th to April 18th (2019). The meeting(s) will take place in MINATEC (Micro and Nanotechnology Innovation Centre) in Grenoble (France).
- 20/11/2018 8th WFI Consortium Meeting
20-22 of November, 2018, the #8CM meeting of the ATHENA-WFI consortium took place in Lisbon (Portugal). On the polish side, CAMK PAN and CBK PAN took part.
- 31/10/2018 WFI passed Preliminary Requirements Review
On October 31, 2018, we received important information from prof. Kirpal Nandra:
"I am delighted to report that today the WFI passed successfully through its Preliminary Requirements Review (I-PRR).”
- 19/03/2019 On Wednesday, 24/10/2018, the first meeting of the consortium ATHENA-PL took place
The intention of the meeting was to present the consortium members of ATHENA-PL, subsystems, in the construction of which Polish scientific and industrial entities are involved. Prof. Agata Różańska presented an overview of all the elements we are building in relation to the schemes of individual instruments and in relation to the entire telescope. She also mentioned the technical parameters of the mission and the main scientific goals.
During the meeting, also the scientific goals and their evaluation were discussed as well as the policy of writing publications about ATHENA.
Almost all members of the consortium were present. - 23/10/2018 The first Polish consortium ATHENA-PL meeting
The first Polish consortium ATHENA-PL meeting will be held in CAMK PAN in Warsaw on 24rd October 2018.
- 22/09/2018 8th X-IFU Consortium meeting
The 8th consortium meeting is now over, and it has been a fruitful one!
One week, 96 participants, 45 talks in plenary sessions and 2 days dedicated to splinters. Once again, the program was intense! The consortium members discovered the latest updates of each sub-sections.
- 23/07/2018 Media coverage about Athena: July 2018 issue of the X-IFU Gazette about CAMK PAN contribution in ATHENA project
You are welcome to read article about Polish contribution in ATHENA project in July issue of "X-IFU Gazette".
Please find the artticle here.
Previous issues of "X-IFU Gazette" could be found here.
- 27/04/2018 On 20/04/2018, the Consortium ATHENA-PL was formed.
The main goal of the Consortium will be to develop subsystems for instruments of the ATHENA mission. Furthermore, the project documentation and component integration with satellite will be done.
The scope of the Consortium's substantive activity is the technology development for space observation, as well as observations in the field of X-ray astrophysics. Consortium ATHENA-PL includes 12 universities and institutes from all over Poland:1. N. Copernicus Astronomical Center Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw
2. Space Research Centre Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw
3. Center for Theoretical Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw
4. National …
!--> more » - 17/04/2018 7th WFI Consortium Meeting
7th WFI Consortium Meeting took place in Max Planck Instytut in Garching. Polish participants took part in conference and in following "Splinter Sessions":
1. Filter & Filter Wheel Environmental Tests
2. ICPU & Detector Electronics
3. Science Team - 06/04/2018 WFI Proto-Consortium Meeting
Next WFI Proto-Consortium Meeting will take place on 17 – 19 April 2018 at MPE in Garching
- 23/03/2018 7th X-IFU Consortium meeting in Paris
More information about meeing can be found at webpage.
- 10/01/2018 Finding the Missing Mater - talk with dr hab. Agata Różańska
An interview with dr hab. Agata Różańska about space telescope Athena and missing matter was published on webpage.
Link to the interview in Polish
- 31/10/2017 Media coverage about Athena: Academia no. 2/50/2017 "Bogini, która dotknie gwiazd"
An article about Athena project was published in edition 2/50/2017 of the Polish Academy of Sciences „Academia” magazine.
- 24/10/2017 Summary of 6th WFI/Athena proto-consortium meeting
Members of the Athena project met at Nicolaus Copernicous Astronomical Center during the 6th WFI/Athena proto-consortium meeting in Warsaw.
Summary of meeting is available on webpage:
- 10/09/2017 Summary of Workshop "The Power of X-ray Spectroscopy"
The workshop "The Power of X-ray Spectroscopy" was held from 6- 8th September in Warsaw.
- 01/08/2017 Media coverage about Athena: Astronarium no. 39 "Missing Baryons"
Watch a video about Athena project in Astronarium program. Polish scientists speak about "Missing baryons" in 39th episode.
You can find video (in Polish) on Astronarium YouTube channel or on webpage.
The program was produced by the Polish Television and Polish Astronomical Society, with support from the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
- 15/05/2017 Workshop "The Power of X-ray Spectroskopy"
We are pleased to announce The Power of X-ray Spectroscopy workshop. The workshop will take place at the Staszic Palace, Warsaw, Poland on 6-8 September 2017.
For more information, please visit the website:
- 03/02/2016 StrongGravity Consortium Meeting
The meeting will be held in April 13, 14, 15, 2016, Warsaw, CAMK PAN.
This meeting is organized to overview and summarize the current status of work done in FP7 grant named "StrongGravity" ( more information for participants of the meeting, please visit the meeting pages:
- 16/11/2015 Polska w Kosmosie
26-27 November 2015
Conference: Polska w Kosmosie